Shooting Skills Assessment 1 About You 2 Shooting Experience 3 Goals & Consent 4 Send Skills 0.00 About You Full Name * Email * Phone * Please fill out above required fields! Shooting Experience > Your Shooting Experience Your Shooting Experience * Beginner Intermediate Proficient Please explain why you chose that level: Have you had formal firearms training? * Yes No If yes, please describe! Time Spent Training How many times a year do you shoot? * What type of shooting do you do most? * Please fill out above required fields! Go Back Goals & Consent > Your Goals What are two or three goals you’d like to achieve with Vital Tactics? * Security Consent Are you willing to have a background check? * Yes No Please fill out above required fields! Go Back Comment & Send > Additional Remarks How did you hear about Vital Tactics? Is there anyone else training with you? Have any questions or comments? Send Skills Assessment 1 About You 2 Shooting Experience 3 Goals & Consent 4 Send Skills 0.00 About You Full Name * Email * Phone * Please fill out above required fields! Shooting Experience > Your Shooting Experience Your Shooting Experience * Beginner Intermediate Proficient Please explain why you chose that level: Have you had formal firearms training? * Yes No If yes, please describe! Time Spent Training How many times a year do you shoot? * What type of shooting do you do most? * Please fill out above required fields! Go Back Goals & Consent > Your Goals What are two or three goals you’d like to achieve with Vital Tactics? * Security Consent Are you willing to have a background check? * Yes No Please fill out above required fields! Go Back Comment & Send > Additional Remarks How did you hear about Vital Tactics? Is there anyone else training with you? Have any questions or comments? Send Skills Assessment